ZDHC MRSL Level 1 to Level 3 Conformance
The Eurofins | MTS ZDHC MRSL Conformance Program is developed to provide assurance that chemical products are sold (routinely) as compliant (to the ZDHC or other MRSL specification) and that chemical manufacturers have appropriate stewardship, in terms of management and control systems in place to assure that chemical products are manufactured responsibly and to a recognized standard.
Apart from MRSL testing for Level 1 Conformance, we offer remote and on-site chemical management audit in line with Level 2 and Level 3 Conformance respectively. The audit, in both remote and on-site formats, assesses the product stewardship practice of the supplier by seven criteria, including:
Management Controls
Regulations and Permits
Chemicals Selection and Assessment
Chemical Storage
Chemical Use
Chemical Disposal
Chemical Distribution
Our ZDHC-approved Laboratories
Most of our ZDHC-approved laboratories are located in key chemical substances production countries, and in major garment and footwear manufacturing sites in Asia and Europe, offering proximity to shorten turnaround time. Together with Eurofins Softlines & Leather network of companies, Eurofins | MTS is one of the few services providers that can provide Level 1 to Level 3 Conformance, enabling one-stop-shop experience to our customers.
Level 1 Certifiers
Hong Kong SAR, China
Dongguan, China
Shanghai, China
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Boston, USA
Level 1,2,3 Certifiers
Gurgaon, India
Como, Italy
Alicante, Spain
Istanbul, Turkey
Northampton, UK
Get in touch today for more information.
What is ZDHC MRSL?
The ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL) is a single, harmonized list of chemical substances whose intentional use is prohibited in facilities that process textiles, leather, rubber, foam, adhesives, and trim parts in textiles, apparel, and footwear. The list is updated as needed to expand the materials, processes and substances that should be banned from the value chain in order to protect the health of workers, end-users and the environment.
By using chemical formulations that comply with ZDHC MRSL, suppliers and consumers are assured that banned chemical substances are not intentionally used during production and manufacturing processes. Under the ZDHC MRSL V2.0, conformance is divided into three levels:
Level 1 Conformance that requires review of documentation and/or test reports from a thirdparty laboratory.
- Level 2 Conformance that requires review of product stewardship of the supplier by a third-party certifier, in additional to requirement of Level 1 Conformance.
Level 3 Conformance that requires on-site audit of supplier, in addition to requirement of Level 2 Conformance.